
Kickstarter Clone Script: Creating Custom Crowdfunding Website Made Easy

Crowdfunding is a popular fundraising concept which works on donation or reward based funding. A small amount of funds are acquired from the general mass to accumulate a big capital required to fund a potential project. Where in project creators post their projects & project funders or backers, back projects they find promising. Crowdfunding works on total or no funding concept. Where projects get funding when they reach their predetermined goal set for minimum funding or lose funding when they don’t.

Land your feet in the crowdfunding industry with Kickstarter Clone. Unbind your fundraising ideas & bring it to reality with Kickstarter Clone. Building a custom crowdfunding website is easygoing with Fundraising script. It allows building a website without an all-out effort of website development.

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Creating custom crowdfunding website made easy with ClonesCloud

Building a Crowdfunding platform is a matter of no time with Kickstarter Clone script – FundForIdea from ClonesCloud. FundForIdea is an open source Crowdfunding software which enables the quick launch of crowdfunding website with its ready to launch software, which is ready to install & deploy. It eliminates the long & steep process of website development which demands a lot of development time, which requires a team of developers & experts along with huge development cost. Website development also requires a whole new business planning, market research, market & competition analysis and strategic implementation of all.

Donation software helps in quick launch of crowdfunding website with its ready to launch script which is inspired version of crowdfunding pioneer Kickstarter. Ready to launch script FunForIdea is a flagship product of ClonesCloud clone’s service which is built on the similar architectural structure of Kickstarter to launch a website like it. Loaded with best in class features Kickstarter Clone is ultimate choice to start a crowdfunding business with fundraising software.

Turnkey features Crowdfunding software from ClonesCloud:-

  • 100% source open source code script
  • Customizable script
  • Scalable, modular and robust script
  • SQL injection proof structure built in own strapping framework with powerful technologies
  • Responsive design
  • Graphical user interface
  • Custom payment gateway modules
  • Flexible revenue model integration support
  • 1-year support and updates

You might love checking out the user demo of FundForIdea, to experience the working of Crowdfunding platforms.

Read here: Why Should You Start Crowdfunding Platform Using Tailor-Made Crowdfunding Script?

With open source & customizable script creating a custom crowdfunding website is a piece of cake with fundraising script from ClonesCloud. Customization in terms of components and new features gives the new website a whole new look & approach with custom added new features helps in providing service of best in class with different features from the reference site to not to be typecast as a clone. A whole new website with new layout design & custom features gives a competitive advantage with audience engagement & retained interest.

Crowdfunding script also includes various features for a delightful experience every time. Few of them are easy social media logins, highly managed admin panel, user-friendly dashboard, various management option for easy control, private message board, wallet, credit package plans, reviews, ratings, etc.

Experience service of best in class with custom-made solutions for your crowdfunding business with ClonesCloud’s FundForIdea. For more queries feel free to reach us on